Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hi! Welcome to the Cohorts in Cahoots Blog! Your discussion, advice, comments, questions, and rants are all welcome here! I hope you generously comment and please remember to use courtesies and etiquettes.

Please post a comment when you create your account to say "Hello" and let everyone know you're here. If there is someone you know whom you feel would benefit him/herself and others by joining the blog, feel free to contact me directly by using my WJU email address or the personal yahoo email address I forwarded to you through our WJU emails so an invitation can be sent to that person and he or she may join!

Thanks for your insightful participation and your efforts to continue our growing learning communities!



Dr. Larry Jones said...


Bethany, I just logged on and created my account. I'll keep checking for others to join.

bethmcvicker said...

Hi! I am here, too!