Wednesday, September 19, 2007

First Year Teacher Seeks Self-Meds

New School Year!!!

Wow. This is my first year as a professional teacher and I'll tell you what, it's something like student teaching, nothing like being in the little desks, and a lot like what everyone tells you: "you teach? that's hard work!".

Tips of the Trade? Please submit!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Frankenberry's Identity Revealed!

By the way-- it would only make sense that the "Frankenberry" contributor to this Blog would be R. DeFrank, which is exactly why it is not him. Instead, it is my boyfriend, Sean. I know you don't know him (maybe Dr. Jones does), but it definitely is a name he would choose randomly. Frankenberry could post a message every once in a while if for nothing else, the minimal purpose of pleasing his girlfriend...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Praxising PJ

PJ- Really? You have to take all 5 tests again? Holy crap. Have you moved already??? --because I still kind of have your Praxis Study Guides and those might come in handy, no?

I think we talked briefly once about the Sylvan Learning Centers. There's one in St. Clairsville and I was thinking about applying for a position (at this point, I don't even know if they're hiring) in case I am not employed with a full-time position for the coming school year. Has anyone had any experience with Sylvan before? I remember "bad pay" and "crummy hours" in the DB discussion...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer Sizzles? How about Fizzles?

Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really glad to see others have joined in on the Bloggerific Fun! Well, my interview was not good. Really, it just wasn't! But, at least now I know what to expect out of the worst possible interview scenario. Egos seemed to be in full effect.

Anyway, I am waiting to hear from the Prin. of Bridgeport High School here in Ohio for an interview and have heard that it is a good school to work in; good co-workers and administration who cares at least more than those at Shadyside!

LaDonna-- I'm especially happy to see you on here! I also am sorry we never got to put our names and faces together, and I don't know where you live right now, but I am always enthusiastic about meeting up for lunch with fellow classmates. :)

My sister got married this past Saturday and it was great. And now that I have my life back, I'll be posting more often!!!!


Friday, June 15, 2007

Summer School is for Teachers

WTG Bethany!!! How did your interview go? Who is Frankenberry? Are you doing summer school, too? I am. When I was in college as an undergrad trying to figure out what to do with a degree, I thought, geez, I could just be a professional student. Since then, I've finished a Masters plus 46 hours (with another 6 to be added this summer). So I guess I chose the right profession! I forget who's going to Ft. Pierce this week, but I wish you much luck. If you want to teach in FL, there are tons of jobs there. According to the TeachinFlorida website, they're looking for 20,000 teachers. 20,000. WOW. When I retire, I'm goin' to teach and go to school some more!
I was disappointed I didn't get to meet you, BG; I showed up to present my portfolio the week after you did. Which leads me to...when do we meet again???
Good job on the blogspot. I've signed up for the feed, and I hope more of our class join and start posting!
Let us all know how it goes!!!
Warm regards, LaDonna

Thursday, June 7, 2007

i figured it out! WOOT! i roxor!

Hey hey!!!
I figured this thing out!! WOO HOO!!!
Hey BG, hope you did well on the interview!! Way to go on your Praxis score!
Sadly, while i have passed all of my Praxis series tests.... i have to take Florida's equivalent... ALL FIVE TESTS. yay.

Anyway, i scored an interveiw at Dan McCarty Middle School in Ft. Pierce, Florida on June 18th at 11am.

Hopefully some more people sign up for the blog... i always enjoyed the insights and help from our other cohorts!

pj sines
aka- pejota

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hi everyone!

Don't forget to hit "Publish Post" to post your comments to the Blog. How is your summer treating you so far?

I am working on getting a job for this school year. I have an official interview at Shadyside High School for their 7th grade English position tomorrow at 9am. Wish me luck!

I tell you what, too, it's not an easy task to get certified in Ohio!

Thursday, May 31, 2007


i'm in the blog zone

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hi! Welcome to the Cohorts in Cahoots Blog! Your discussion, advice, comments, questions, and rants are all welcome here! I hope you generously comment and please remember to use courtesies and etiquettes.

Please post a comment when you create your account to say "Hello" and let everyone know you're here. If there is someone you know whom you feel would benefit him/herself and others by joining the blog, feel free to contact me directly by using my WJU email address or the personal yahoo email address I forwarded to you through our WJU emails so an invitation can be sent to that person and he or she may join!

Thanks for your insightful participation and your efforts to continue our growing learning communities!
